Saturday, May 06, 2006

Centennial Park

In Nashville's Centennial Park, there is a full-scale replica of the Parthenon of ancient Greece. Utmost attention has been paid to authenicity, including the signs warding off ancient trouble-making teenagers.


Anonymous said...

Hey, cool!


Martha said...

So... I am guessing that by now, Tuesday, May 9th, you are somewhere in Florida enjoying the sunshine and fine weather. Ben is asking when you will be back. I told him probably sometime this weekend. Have fun.

James Austin said...

Actually, it has been very mild this week when it hasn't been stormy. I went to the beach today and found it much shorter than I remember it. The pavillion we went to is either gone or inaccessible, because of Ivan. I will post pictures at a later date.

Martha said...

Joe says, "Hi." He can't talk now cause he had some teeth pulled out.

Martha said...

I hope you're not still stuck in a traffic jam in Alabama!