Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Things that go "CRASH" in the night

Hearing shattering glass in the middle of the night is a good way to double your heart rate in a few seconds, as I found out last night. I was tossing and turning in bed, trying to settle my thoughts and get some sleep when I heard a loud CRASH downstairs. Sometimes I find myself thinking about what I might do if someone broke in at night, but just then I forgot everything about my plans. I started to head toward the stairs, knocking over an old art project (of Aunt Priscilla's), making a lot of noise. Then I realized I didn't have my glasses on so I stumbled back across the room to get those. Then I thought I should probably look out my window to the driveway to see if I could see anyone. I didn't. Then I heard Grandma and Grandpa shuffling around so I figured I better get some pants on before I went downstairs. I crossed the room again to find some PJ's to put on, but my light was off, so I turned it on and remembered my curtain was open, so my neighbors could see right in if they were in their backyard (and vice versa). I shut my light off and closed the curtain, before turning the light on again and fishing around in a laundry basket for some pants. By the time I got downstairs, Grandma had already gone back to bed and Grandpa was cleaning up the glass... from an old Diane Dengel print that had fallen off the bathroom wall. Funny, we never noticed the frame starting to come apart through years of exposure to the humidity of the bathroom. I'm sure there's an object lesson here somewhere....


Martha said...

1. If a picture is going to fall off the wall, it will happen in the middle of the night.
2. Always wear pants to bed, or keep them close by where you can find them quickly. (What if a fire broke out?)
3. Hang curtains.
4. Have laser surgery
5. Grandpa can fix everything.

PS. I made that giraffe. Did you flatten him? And, what did they do with the print? (It's out of print.)

Bethany said...

Yeah, I love that picture... make sure they didn't get rid of it. Oh, and tell Gma and Gpa that I coundn't come visit today 'cause I'm sick... But I did want to.

Rachel said...

I just visited them today and heard the whole story. They sound like they will probably keep the print.
Boy wouldn't gramma have been surprised if you came running down in your tighty whities! (that's what Uncle Dave calls them)
I guess if someone DID break in, you would probably come down after they already left. Haha

James Austin said...

I didn't trip over the giraffe... it was a small wooden box, an art project for illustrative purposes, although to be truthful, I'm not certain where it came from.

Anonymous said...

I like that picture in their bathroom.
Anut marth,
I'm sure he has money for laser sugery.

Anonymous said...

Oops, I just saw that I wrote aunt marth by accident.

Martha said...

so now I will ever after be known as A Nut Martha

Anonymous said...

Was is the Counting calories print?

You sure lead an exciting life.
I agree. Wear pants to bed. That's what pajamas are for. You never know when you have to leave in a hurry!

James Austin said...

Actually, I was having trouble sleeping because I was too hot.

Bethany said...

What a "great" print! It sure made me laugh... but that wasn't the one I had in mind.

Joe Fool said...

One time I went "crash" in the night.

last comment made by: Joe Fool

That's always the way it goes.

James Austin said...

That's because you can't post in front of anyone.

Anonymous said...

you are funny! So you trashed my old room in the quest of finding a pair of pants? Sleep with a pair next to you.

Anonymous said...

Paul, lol!